Thursday, October 14, 2010

Has it been 10 years already?!

This weekend is P's 10-year high school reunion...what?!?!

Has it really been that long already? I simply don't feel old enough. Mine will most likely be this Spring (if anyone actually gets anything's almost like 'what's the point' now that we're in the Facebook era) and I just can't believe that it's been ten years. My goodness...what have I accomplished since then?
  • 2001
    • graduation
    • started what would become two pointless years of college
  •  2002
    • another pointless year of college
  • 2003
    • moved to Chicago to be with the man of my dreams ♥
    • got married
  • 2004
    • moved back to Texas
    • wedding =)
  • 2005
    • started school *again*
  • 2006
    • became an Aunt =)
    • lost 25 lbs.!!!!
    • got pregnant ♥
    • more school
  • 2007
    • became a Mommy ♥
    • got a 'grown up job' (for a while)
    • took some time off school
  • 2008
    • back to school *sigh*
  • 2009
    • more school
    • first Ski trip (complete with knee injury upon return)
  • 2010
    • finally starting the beginning of the end with upper level courses toward my degree!
    • graduated P from the police academy! (I count that my accomplishment too!) =) 
    • celebrated Z's 3rd birthday
    • celebrated a 7-year wedding anniversary ♥
    • ordered my college ring! (hey, it's a milestone to me!)
  • 2011
    • time will tell, but on the slate is:
      • student teaching
      • graduation
      • major home DIY renovations/projects!
I wish I could say that I'll have my BS by the time my reunion come around, but, I'll be about six-months shy. But it's okay. I have accomplished a lot between then and now when you consider it all. I've worn a lot of hats over the past ten years. It's been fun, trying, exhausting, and pretty much any other adjective you can think of.

I just can't believe that it's been 10 years. I don't feel that old. I'm not old enough for a reunion. But, this isn't mine, it's P's. It should be interesting. Homecoming football game, drinks, and then a downtown adventure...with a bunch of people that I don't know. *shrug* It'll be the same for him, but I guess that's what happens when you marry someone you didn't go to high school with.

Well...until next time.
Peace, love, and memories!
♥ S.

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