Has it really been that long already? I simply don't feel old enough. Mine will most likely be this Spring (if anyone actually gets anything together...it's almost like 'what's the point' now that we're in the Facebook era) and I just can't believe that it's been ten years. My goodness...what have I accomplished since then?
- 2001
- graduation
- started what would become two pointless years of college
- 2002
- another pointless year of college
- 2003
- moved to Chicago to be with the man of my dreams ♥
- got married
- 2004
- moved back to Texas
- wedding =)
- 2005
- started school *again*
- 2006
- became an Aunt =)
- lost 25 lbs.!!!!
- got pregnant ♥
- more school
- 2007
- became a Mommy ♥
- got a 'grown up job' (for a while)
- took some time off school
- 2008
- back to school *sigh*
- 2009
- more school
- first Ski trip (complete with knee injury upon return)
- 2010
- finally starting the beginning of the end with upper level courses toward my degree!
- graduated P from the police academy! (I count that my accomplishment too!) =)
- celebrated Z's 3rd birthday
- celebrated a 7-year wedding anniversary ♥
- ordered my college ring! (hey, it's a milestone to me!)
- 2011
- time will tell, but on the slate is:
- student teaching
- graduation
- major home DIY renovations/projects!
I just can't believe that it's been 10 years. I don't feel that old. I'm not old enough for a reunion. But, this isn't mine, it's P's. It should be interesting. Homecoming football game, drinks, and then a downtown adventure...with a bunch of people that I don't know. *shrug* It'll be the same for him, but I guess that's what happens when you marry someone you didn't go to high school with.
Well...until next time.
Peace, love, and memories!
♥ S.
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