Monday, May 24, 2010

Talkin' bout comm-U-nication...

It's so refreshing these days to see people reverting back to good, old-fashioned means of communication. In the age of cell phones, email, video chats, instant messaging, text messaging, social networks, blue-tooth and those nifty little buttons in your car that let you turn your radio into a phone, we tend to forget about how we got in contact with one another 10, 20, even 30 years ago.

And I'm not just talking about written correspondence or dropping by someone's house to chat. Nor do I mean actually meeting up with someone for coffee or lunch to catch up. No sir.

I'm talking about flagging down someone you know who passes you going the opposite direction in their vehicle on the street, and proceeding to have a conversation in the road. Blocking both lanes of traffic. And refusing to move out of the way and continue your conversation elsewhere, despite the lines of morning traffic building up behind you on both ends. Despite the honking horns. Despite the "birds" flying out the windows.

No sir. You'll be damned before you allow other people's agendas to interrupt your long-overdue catch up conversation with a long-lost friend. They will have to wait. You aren't moving until you know all the gossip (You DID hear about Mary Jenkins down the street, right?!), have heard what Uncle Bill's cousin's friend's aunt's daughter wore to her prom (I know! Can you believe it?!), and make play dates for your youngest and their middle child for the first month of summer vacation (by the way, what are you guys doing for summer vacation this year? Any big plans? We were thinking about...).

Yup. It's good. It's nice to forgo the convenience of today's technologies in communication to catch up the old-fashioned the expense of those around you.

So, thank you, mini-van moms, for reminding me today what's important in life. I think I'll call my best friend, and then have her meet me in the middle of Main St. for a little catching up. We'll grab some coffee, put the cars in park, sit criss-cross-applesauce (*lol*) on the hoods and reminisce about old times.

And, if you're looking to escape the conveniences of communication today, why don't you call up your bestie, have them meet you on a highly-trafficked road-way, and catch up the way we used to in the "olden days."


Peace, love, and consideration for those around you,
♥ S.

1 comment:

  1. Bah-hahaha! This is fantastic.
    Love the new layout, btw.
