Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Birthdays, Anniversaries and BIRTH-days

Today is my younger brother's 25th birthday. My brother and sister getting older only reminds me that I'm getting older. And it doesn't help that my birthday was only 2 days ago...yes, we are two years, two days, and two hours apart, crazy!

Today is also my younger sister and her husband's wedding anniversary...three years I believe. I can't believe that all three of us are now married. It's going to be really weird when my brother has kids too.

But, today is now also the day that my nephew may be born! I just found out that my sister is on her way to the hospital to be induced with her second child, first boy. I told her she was going to go into labor today, and how funny I thought that it was going to be. She had an appointment, and they told her that instead of waiting until Monday, they were going to go ahead and do it today.

Haha! =)

Now, this day is super-special! We get to celebrate the birth of two fabulous boys and the marriage of my wonderful sister; all wrapped up into one day.

I wish that I could be there. I hate that I have missed the birth of both of her children. Especially since she came down when Z was born. I hate that work and school always seem to get into my way with everything. I feel so bad. It's the reason I haven't been back to Oklahoma since driving through on the way back to Texas from Chicago. It's the reason why Z has never seen any of his family. (Well, not the whole reason, they could come down here too...but that's an entirely different blog!) It's why I'm the only child not to have visited my dad in Florida. Ugh. I can't wait til it's all over!

Okay, well, ttfn!

'Til tomorrow,
♥ S.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!! This is awesome!! Welcome back (?) to the wonderful world of blogging, cuz! That's so exciting about the baby - can't wait to hear what they decide to name him :)
    Love ya LOTS!!
